Monday, April 8, 2013

Rebuttal #3

“What’s up with all these triangles?” one of my friends asked me as we shifted through the clothing racks at the mall. I frowned at her, not sure what she was talking about.  She rolled her eyes at my ignorance and picked out a shirt from the rack we were just looking through. Sure enough a red triangle was printed on the front of the shirt. Triangles and other odd symbols have been surfacing in the clothing scene in the past year. Of course everyone’s first thought is DA DA DA…the illuminati! False! The Illuminati is not trying to reach people through clothing and jewelry that can be purchased in stores at the mall. The symbols that appear on merchandise are what is in style and what they see celebrities wearing.
Celebrities such as Beyoncé and Avril Levigne have been seen wearing symbols such as Baphomets and Pyramids seen in the picture below.

Yes, these symbols are associated with satanic practices, but does that make them apart of the Illuminati? No! They are celebrities and are willing to do whatever it takes to remain in the public eye. If that means putting on a piece of clothing that will cause a huge stir in the media so be it. Clothing stores catch wind of these symbols and slap it on their new line of clothing. They know it is guaranteed to sell, because the rich and famous are seen wearing it.
This is not the illuminati spreading their evil messages through clothing and jewelry. It is a fad that happens almost every season in fashion. Today triangles, upside crosses, and all seeing eyes are in style, and next season it will be something completely different. 

Rebuttal #2

             Many people like to use the bible to verify things that are unknown. For example, Heaven, Hell, and God in general. Things can get a complicated when people reference the bible to things relevant to things occurring in this generation. I am talking about the Illuminati and its correlation to the bible. Many believe that the bible directly mentions the Illuminati and tries to warn us of their evil ways. The bible does not reference the Illuminati. The bible talks about spirits and the assembly of a great battle.
            Revelations 16:14 says, “For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.” (quote) The first few words lead me to believe that this scripture was not referencing the Illuminati. The scripture says “demonic spirits” and if this is so, is it saying that the people in the illuminati spirits? The people believed to be in the Illuminati and very much human. They laugh, cry, and die just like the rest of us. This scripture is saying that people in the illuminati are spirits and, that is far from the truth. The last part of the scripture also does not make sense in its correlation to the bible. It says “to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.” These artists are not assembling any battle for judgment day. The last part is obvious that it is talking about the Devil, himself. This scripture is not referencing the Illuminati or the people in it.
            After thoroughly looking over this scripture many use to verify that the illuminati does exist, I find it to not be true. This scripture is clearly talking about the Devil and not a devil worshipping conspiracy group. Am I saying these artists are completely innocent? Of course not, but accusing them of being a demon is a little rash. The beauty of a conspiracy is its up to the reader to decide. What will you choose?

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

“89 Bible Verses about Illuminati”. OpenBible. 2001. Web. April 1 2013.

This source gives specific bible verses that identifies and describes the Illuminati. I used this source in my second blog post and its rebuttal, which discusses the Illuminati in correlation to the Bible. I used one bible verse from the website that defined the illuminati, but it was open enough that I could also find a rebuttal within its verse. The bible scripture used sets the outline for my entire blog post. I dissected each part of the scripture into paragraphs to fit my blog. The article is a very reliable source. The scriptures come straight from the bible. I doubled checked the scripture in my own bible, and I concluded that this source is credible.

Beginning and End.Photograph. Webshots. Beginning and End, April 7, 2012. Web. April 2 2013.
This source provided various pictures I used as evidence for my blog posts. The first picture used from this source is Lady Gaga covering her eye to symbolize the All Seeing Eye. The second picture is of Tyler the Creator ‘s album cover with an upside down cross on his forehead. The third picture is of Rihanna and her stance in resembles Baphomet. These pictures help strengthen my argument that the Illuminati does exist in the entertainment industry. These pictures come from a blog post. The author has no claim to these pictures, but I do still believe these pictures are credible. Identical pictures are posted on other sites, which leads me to believe there is truth behind these pictures. The writer of this blog is not an expert on this topic; however, they seem to know what they are talking about. Their pictures assisted me on argument about the Illuminati.
Buck Marley. “Michael Jackson Illuminati (Sell Soul to the Devil) Song-Money”. letsrollforums. January 24, 2008. Web. April 2 2013.
This source provides the lyrics to Michael Jackson’s song, Money. This source provided me further evidence to strengthen my case about the illuminati. In the song he says he would sell his soul to the devil. This falls right into the category of the illuminati and the secret society. It is believed that they worship the devil and Michael Jackson’s lyrics mirror that image. This source is very credible and straightforward. It is a website that contains artists lyrics. There is no biased to the Illuminati. It is a concrete source for my blog post.

"Channeling a Spirit". Beyonce to Sasha Fierce. 2008.Web. April 4, 2013.
This source contains a video of Beyonce talking about her alter ego and feeling like something possessed her body while she was performing on stage. This source really helped me on my second blog post. It proves that possession does exist in society and that the illuminati is using Beyonce to give their message out. This video reveals the evil the exists in the entertainment industry. This is one of the most credible sources that I've found during my research. It is an interview straight from Beyonce's mouth. The date is also recent and that adds credibility to the website. The only thing, that makes me pause is the fact that they cut out the interviewee's part. It leaves me wondering what questions they asked Beyonce. Other than that, it was a great source. 
Echelon. “All Seeing Eye”. Photograph. Webshots. Dailypaul. November 3, 2009. Web. April 1 2013.
            This source shows the All Seeing Eye from the movie, Halloweentown.  This source shows that demonic symbols are not only seen in the music industry. It shows that they also exist in seemingly innocent kids movies, such as Halloweentown. This strengthens my case that there is something evil dwelling in the entertainment industry. The All Seeing Eye appearing a kids movie suggests that the illuminati is trying to reach younger viewers. I found this picture credible and unbiased. I have witnessed first hand this movie and can verify that this symbol did appear in the movie. The recentness of this source also adds to its credibility.

Extreme-rock. “Believe in Yourself”. Photograph. Webshots. Tumblr. Web. April 2 2013.
            This source shows a t-shirt of a satanic symbol printed on the front. I found this source very helpful for my third blog post and its rebuttal. It shows how common it is to find satanic symbols on clothing. The availability is frightening and many people do not know what they are purchasing. This source back my rebuttal by shows that when celebrities wear something, clothing stores will put similar clothes out. This source I find somewhat creditable. The website its self is tumblr and it consists of random pictures. There is no title, and no author to this account. It is a random array of pictures that relate to each other.  That being said, there is truth to this picture, because articles of clothing such as the picture shown in this website can be found in many stores.

“Jay-Z-D’Evils Lyrics”. Rapgenius. Web. April 1 2013
            This source provides the lyrics to Jay-Z’s D’evils lyrics. This article helped me tremendously in my first blog post. Jay-Z blatantly comes out and says the Illuminati is trying to take over his mind, body, and soul. It is really hard to argue that statement, because it is so in your face and obvious. This source is credible and reliable. It comes straight from Jay-Z’s album and it is his actual words. There is no author because it is a direct quote from Jay-Z.

“Kanye West Says he Sold his Soul to the Devil”. Evil Industry. May 18 2010. Web. April 3 2013.
            This source provides a direct quote from Kanye West during one of his concerts. This article helped me, because Kanye willing said that he sold his soul to the devil. The illuminati is believed to worship the devil and it creates a strong case against Kanye. It makes it easy for me to say that he is in the illuminati, but at the same time it’s hard to prove he is not. It is so blatant that it’s hard to disprove in my rebuttal. This is a direct quote and it does not need an author to make it credible. The video on the website proves that Kanye did say that he sold his soul to the devil. Also the date it was released is recent which also boosts this sources credibility.

Pastor Billy Bissell. “Occult Signs and Symbols”. Jesus-is-Savior. Web. April 3 2013
            This source reveals occult signs and symbols, and then gives the meaning behind them. This source helped me on all of the blog posts I submitted. The symbols and its meanings were the main examples I used in my blog posts to prove that the Illuminati does exist. The symbols appeared in movies, TV shows, clothing, etc. The fact that the same symbols appeared in all these different categories strengthened my case that the illuminati control the entertainment industry. I found this source to be very reliable.  The author of website is a Pastor. The fact that he is a pastor leads me to believe he knows a great deal about the devil and satanic symbols. Pastors are trained to be experts on topics such as these.

The Blunt Truth. “BeyoncĂ©’s Baphomet Ring”. Photograph. Webshots. Veritas Aequitas, January 28 2011. Web. April 1 2013.
            This source reveals a picture wearing a Baphomet ring while singing at an event. This picture leads me to believe that she is in the illuminati and it strengthens my case against her. A Baphomet is a satanic symbol and represents a demon. The fact that she would wear anything that symbolizes this, suggests that she is in a secret society that worships the devil. I found this source very credible. I found this picture off of a blog post and the author seemed to know a great deal about the topic. The picture was taken from a video that was broadcasted all around the world. This adds to the websites credibility. staff. “Avril Lavigne Wearing Illuminati Freemason Pyramid on Shirt”. Photograph. Webshots. Truth Quake News. October 10 2011. Web. April 1 2013
This source shows Avril Lavigne sporting an illuminati Freemans’s pyramid on her shirt. This source really shows how intergraded these artists are into the illuminati. Rock artists to Rap artists are all involved and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Her wearing this causes this shirt to set a trend. I think this trend will end up in stores, because of this one picture. I found this website creditable and reliable. It has a recent date, which adds to its creditability. Photographers took the picture and there does not appear to be any digital alterations.

TV Addict. “Arrow”. Photograph. Webshots. The TV Addict. January 31, 2012. Web. April 3 2013.
            This source is advertising the CW’s new hit show Arrow. The man in this picture is in the shape of a triangle. That has direct correspondence to the illuminati. The triangle he is in also blocks one eye. The showing of one eye represents the All Seeing Eye, which also had a direct correspondence to the Illuminati. This source is credible because it is a photograph directly taken from the CW. It has not been altered, and it remains in its original form.  The photograph is recent which adds to his relativeness to my blog post.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog Post Rebuttal #1

Aliens! Big foot! The illuminati! What do these things have in common? Yes, they are myths conjured up to explain things we do not understand. Kanye west says in one of his concerts that he sold his soul to the devil and suddenly everyone believes he is in a secret society, known as the Illuminati.  Could he simply mean he’s had to do things that contradicted his beliefs? It is not possible to sell your soul to the devil; Kanye meant he had to do some dirty work in order to achieve his success. The Illuminati is not using music artist as puppets to spread their evil messages. The lyrics are studied too deeply. If someone wants to find a correlation between and lyric with the illuminati then chances are they will.  The symbols are used for shock value to interest potential fans.
All Seeing Eyes, Thaumaturgic Triangles, and upside down triangles are appearing everywhere in the music industry. It is a strategic play to get people interested in the artists work. With everyone making a big fuss about the Illuminati, artist know that throwing a triangle in a music video will draw society’s attention to them. If they draw in attention, their popularity will rise, and they will earn more money. For example, Tyler the Creator had an upside down triangle on his album cover.
It was a very crafty move on his part to do this. It was his freshman album and he needed to create a buzz around his name. Putting an upside down cross in the middle of his forehead was a quick way to do so. It does not mean he is in the illuminati. People also read too much into the lyrics of artists. . “Even sell my soul to the Devil. Anything. Anything. Anything for money. Would lie for you. Would die for you. Even sell my soul to the Devil.”-Michael Jackson’s song Money. Many look at this song and pass it off as Illuminati because Michael Jackson says he sold his soul to the devil. If you really analyze the song more closely, what he is really talking about his love for money. He does say he would sell his soul to obtain money, but I believe it was a figure of speech. He would not literally sell his soul to the devil. He is trying to say that he loves money so much he is willing to do anything to get it.
            The music industry is not controlled by the Illuminati contrary to many conspiracy theorists. Artists use symbols in music videos, album covers, and photo shoots as a way to obtain more revenue. The satanic symbols cause a stir in the media and the artist benefit from it by gaining more popularity. The lyrics of the artists are just misinterpreted. Artists such as Michael Jackson and Kanye West are accused of being in the Illuminati because they said they sold their sold to the devil. People and the end of day will believe what they want to believe about the conspiracies such as the Illuminati. I will leave you to judge.