Monday, April 8, 2013

Rebuttal #3

“What’s up with all these triangles?” one of my friends asked me as we shifted through the clothing racks at the mall. I frowned at her, not sure what she was talking about.  She rolled her eyes at my ignorance and picked out a shirt from the rack we were just looking through. Sure enough a red triangle was printed on the front of the shirt. Triangles and other odd symbols have been surfacing in the clothing scene in the past year. Of course everyone’s first thought is DA DA DA…the illuminati! False! The Illuminati is not trying to reach people through clothing and jewelry that can be purchased in stores at the mall. The symbols that appear on merchandise are what is in style and what they see celebrities wearing.
Celebrities such as Beyoncé and Avril Levigne have been seen wearing symbols such as Baphomets and Pyramids seen in the picture below.

Yes, these symbols are associated with satanic practices, but does that make them apart of the Illuminati? No! They are celebrities and are willing to do whatever it takes to remain in the public eye. If that means putting on a piece of clothing that will cause a huge stir in the media so be it. Clothing stores catch wind of these symbols and slap it on their new line of clothing. They know it is guaranteed to sell, because the rich and famous are seen wearing it.
This is not the illuminati spreading their evil messages through clothing and jewelry. It is a fad that happens almost every season in fashion. Today triangles, upside crosses, and all seeing eyes are in style, and next season it will be something completely different. 

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