Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog Post # 2

             Rumors about Illuminati, have been in frequent circulation since the early 2000s due to demonic symbols and messages that have been appearing in music, movies, and TV shows. Many believe the Illuminati is just a hoax and maybe it is. Whenever someone is unsure or grappling with an issue, they seek answers. For many people, they seek their answers from the bible. What if I told you that the Bible warns us about the illuminati? It may sound crazy that a book written thousands of years ago can be talking about a secret society many people are just learning about now. The Illuminati is referenced several times the bible and it warns us of their demonic messages.
Revelations 16:14 says, “For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.” ( Many artists in the music industry say something comes over them when they perform on stage at a concert. Could it be adrenaline or the excitement of performing in front of hundreds to thousands of people? Could it just be the pure joy of doing something they love? No, it is something much deeper than that. Beyonce once said in an interview that whenever she performs she does not feel like herself. She feels so different on stage, they she does not even call herself Beyonce, but she calls herself an alter ego named Sasha Fierce. In one particular concert she said she raised her hands up to the sky and it felt like something came into her body. I believe a demonic spirit possess the bodies of music artists, such as Beyonce, to get their messages out to the public.
            Movies, TV show, and music videos are full of signs that represent the illuminati.

What do these two pictures have in common? The All Seeing Eye, also known as the eye of Lucifer, are clearly visible in all of these pictures. The first picture from a movie called Halloween Town and the second is from a TV show called Arrow. These are two completely different forms of entertainment, yet they all have the same symbol. I believe that these symbols were placed in these three pictures for a reason. It is a sneaky way for the Illuminati to put their stamp on the entertainment industry, but can still stay under the radar. If not looked for, symbols such as the All Seeing eye can go undetected.
            The last part of the bible scripture says that they will travel the world and assemble a following. Could this be why artists associated with the Illuminati are so vehement about touring all over the world and gaining a strong following? Not only do artists travel the world spreading their music with hidden dark messages, but also movies and TV shows can be seen worldwide. With a click of a button, we can access any song, movie, or show we want with the technology today. As a society we look up to these people who are larger than life. We follow their works and we admire them. The signs are clear, that there is a secret society within the entertainment business. Its up to us to believe what we see or not.  

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